Nikkozan Yumoto Onsenji Temple

Nikkozan Yumoto Onsenji Temple

This branch temple of Rinnoji is located at the source of the hot springs of Yumoto Onsen. The temple operates a bath with water from the hot springs that is open to the public by reservation.

The springs were discovered in 788 by Shodo Shonin (735–817). He built the original temple on one of the peaks of the mountain behind the current temple and enshrined a statue of Yakushi Nyorai (Buddha of Healing). Shodo named the area Yakushi-yu, which means “warm waters of Yakushi.”

During a typhoon in 1966, a huge boulder crashed down the mountainside and crushed the temple. The statue of Yakushi Nyorai miraculously survived and was found sitting on top of the boulder. The temple was rebuilt at its present location in 1973, and the statue of Yakushi Nyorai was enshrined on the central dais as the principal deity.

In front of the dais is an altar for the goma fire ritual. Next to the altar is a statue of Enmei Jizo (Long-Life Jizo), who helps believers to live a long and healthy life.

Guide map

Nikko-zan Rinnoji

© Nikko-zan RINNO-JI Temple